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Published: 13-Oct-12
How To Do A Backlink Check On Yahoo
Building backlinks (incoming links) to your website is one of the most important activities that you can do when it comes to improving your SEO (search engine optimization) and search engine rank. So, if you've been diligently working on a link building, you're also probably curious to figure out how many of your links have been detected by the various search engines. This article will explain one simple method of how you can do a backlink check using Yahoo.

For those of you who are new to link building and the concept, here is a very brief description of what it is and why you want to do it. Basically, the search engines rank every website that is on the internet. There are many things that go into the result of your website's final score, but webmasters do know one fact for sure. Something that will really bring up your website in rank is having many quality backlinks (links coming from another site to your site). Search engines use this criteria to judge just how good your site is. If you have other sites linking to you, then it must mean that you have valuable information that should be ranked highly. And if your site is ranked high, it means that you will come up first in the search engines when someone does a search for whatever term that is relevant to your website/business. And this translates to you getting more traffic, more sales and more income.

So, you go through the many methods of acquiring backlinks (submitting to directories, requesting links, submitting to article directories, etc.). This is usually time-consuming and frustrating work but it does pay off if you are consistent and you keep track of your progress. That's where the backlink check comes in.

To check your backlinks on Yahoo, just type in "" into the Yahoo search engine. Then click "web search". You will see the results further down where it shows you your "Inlinks". Just click on this tab and you will see the details about the links that are coming to you. If you want to filter the results even further to make sure you are viewing only the links from other websites (and not within your own), then just click on the drop-down menu that says "from all pages" and change it to "except from this domain". Now you will see all of the links that are coming to you. You can play around with the other drop-down options as well.

So that's how you can do a very general backlink check on Yahoo. To get more detail on the links, just click on each item and check the keywords that are being linked to - this can also give you more information about what keywords are working well and more popular and how to go about your future link building efforts.

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